Tuesday, October 12, 2010

公平 - 不公平?

I used to say it is never fair in a relationship. Came across a music clip today and suddenly i realize gay relationship is actually more "fair" than any kind of relationship...

In what way?

How often have we seen couples that are not "compatible" ? At least I feel like mostly are seeking someone who is in a way or other compare-able to oneself. Be it looks, career, achievement etc etc.. You hardly see a story of cinderella where a guy gives unconditionally to a woman he loves. (But for the record, even cinderella is depicted as a pretty lady, just not so noticeable before the make up and slightly covered in dust..)

Still, in a straight relationship, I guess the male is still the dominant figure and typically would be willing or expected to give more. Being gay though, what is my bargaining power? What have I got?

Is that fair? or Unfair?



  1. Your bargaining power will depend on how cute and f*ckable you are. XD

  2. Will, u are using such rude words!! LOL!
