Monday, April 4, 2011

11 Year Old

How should 11 year old kids look like? I have a very traditional image of girls in short crop hair, dark blue skirt uniform with white shirt and with a bag, talking shyly about how annoying guys are among themselves. Occasionaly bickering with guys bout how annoying they are. Those are the times where we have the most gays and lesbians cause guys and girls are suppose to be on opposing site. If u attempt to talk to the opposite side you will be laughed and joke badly and being labelled as married to the girl, and the feeling is not sweet but rather, it feels like you have plague or soemthing.

So anyway, those were my days. This morning, as i was walking home from the train station, a high pitch voice came suddenly from behind. It feels like some machine-gun-speed blabbering and approaching. So i turn side way and saw these 2 girls around primary 4 or 5 walking past.


Girl: *..blabbering...*

The other girl nod,

Girl: "... i know he ... he is always... annoying.. dun like him..."

the other girl keep on listening and nodding,

Girl, **Big Sigh** (yes, she sigh dramatically)

Girl: ".. but I have to admit that i think he is nice... "

Girl took her phone out press rapidly, show the other girl, "there, u see"


Okay, i was quite tired so i didn't catch the whole conversation and it was too fast, but some facts,

-they are definitely below 12,

-they are using cellphones (different times),

-she sigh dramatically <- I mean what was that for!?? I dun have a bf now, do I sigh so loudly in the public? Huh!? Huh!? DO I?? U R ONLY 11!!!

-the use of "... I have to admit.." <-- gosh, do kids these days have to put up a fake facade in school, do they have primary-school-kids-classroom-politics nowadays that you can only confess to ur close friends when u r alone???

I really think kids these days are way complicated then when i was young. And they have lots of drama in them. I blame it to the TVs. Like how can 7 year old tease encourage his uncle to go chase the auntie and tell him she is a nice lady? But that happens in drama nowadays... =S


  1. I blame it not only to TV but also other exposures like Internet and phone with social media/info/temptations/etc are just at their finger tip. Time change and ppl evolves..and we are evolving too...

  2. Skysky, I understand people evolve... but kids being overmatured and acts like adult, that's too weird for me. They shud be playing with dolls or doings maths homework, even talking bad about teacher, but not that kind of drama.. =s

  3. Kidz zai, I agree, the speed and the way they evolve is overwhelming..and worrying. Playing doll is limited to kid below 5 y/o now...hahahah. In SG mah...things are more developed, so as kids' brain...

  4. But sometimes u listen to the tone they speak, and the things they say, u really feel like slapping them leh, so bitchy and act-mature.. =p

  5. Kita dulu zaman dinosaur. Sekarang dah lain lah bang...

  6. Can't agree more...but one can't deny that the intensive exposure to information has changed everyone's life. So...let's face it!

  7. Kids are growing up fast these days :) Nothing much we can do except provide as much information as we can.

  8. all the pornographic manga and Highlander Romance sex stuff all available for the kids now in any bookstores and plus the internet.. hahahaa.. you listen carefully, later you will hear stuffs like...

    girl 1 : psst...! are you still a virgin?
    girl 2 : *giggle* no! hihihii.... you?
    girl 1 : long time gone liao lor.. hihi...
    girl 2 : OMGG! this weekend wanna....

    kidz fainted!

  9. This is so true. Stereotypic as this sounds, kids should look, talk, and act like kids. They're SUPPOSED to be innocent and all. But kids these days.. Some are even worse off than me. It's all too shocking. And imo i don't think the word 'mature' can be one bit related to them in anyway. True as it is that maturity cannot be measured by age, but i'm speaking on behalf of this population's majority, that they, lacking life experiences, and actually doing things that are not in tally of their age, it instead shows without failure how much more immature they still are.

    Having self-proclaimed to be mature myself way back when, i understand though their desires to become mature, and do as they please. It's all caused by bad culture, bad influence, and bad control issues.

  10. Will, early puberty is one thing, but speaking something they totally dun understand is gross.. especially the kind of over-confidence look on their face, its scary..

    Skysky, how come i feel like u are one of those who will write to newpaper forum to condemn the government and society... sound so serious.. =p

    Paul, i think if i have kids, i will raised them in rural towns, where TV reception is bad, and if they need internet access i will give them dial-up modemn and make sure the CPU is running on Pentium-II =p

    Tulsy, if they are girl, i will give them the despise look and say, "yea, ur face does say you are not a virgin, probably never was one"
    If it is a boy, (especially a cute one) then it will sound like this,
    "Gosh, Really ah? Come come, tell kor kor how it happened.."
    Disclaimer: This is just a joke, i am not paedophile!!!

    Junior zai, Why so agitated... hahaha.. we accept U as an adult now, dun worry (p.s. 18y/o right?)

  11. Lol no la, was just merely expressing my disapproval for their attitude in this century. And yes I'm 18 (going on 19!) and yes please, I'm an adult. HAHAHAH.

  12. @Kidz: I dun write in newspaper forum but my Facebook to condemn all the stupidity of our boleh-land Gov.

  13. Qboy, yea yea, now i know...

    Sky, very risky leh... dun they track these stuffs in Malaysia?

  14. @Kidz: In Malaysia, press/media/social media freedom is better than long there is no element of defamation...moreover FB is opened to friends only..
