Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yin and Yang

I suppose the chinese belief that things comes in pairs is true. You need something to complement the other. Eg. after the good news (salary increment) it must be followed by a bad one.

So the bad news is, the person whom we dislike the most will be our administrative manager (it is a news from my reuters again but pretty reliable just like the increment amount she told me..) Why do we dislike this person? I am being fair here.. for one, he was suppose to be a technical analyst, though he used to manage the India team back there, but when he was relocated, we already have a boss here (the one who left) so he was TOLD to focus on his technical side and team lead for a team of 2 (him and another teammate). Which was all good and happy (to us). Why was he TOLD so? Because he keep hinting and arranging meeting (on his own) with the managers in our entire department, going around saying hello, talking, sharing his view cause he FEEL he is on par.. He even kinda say to my boss admin assistant that he wants the same service she is doing for my ex-boss. (btw, all these information comes from her.. and she told me she always gives him the F. U. C. K. smile when he says something like that... =p ). And he also keep hinting to be given a room, so that he can have his "confidential" talks.. yea right, as if he is that important. And worse of all, he monitors our work sheet.. questioning why we are doing those hours, checking if someone is there on their seat.. (wtf seriously, that was NEVER the culture in the entire company, he is making it totally so rigid and localise-to his culture, our boss never even care back then, he was totally the kind u get ur things done, that's it.. fully trusting us..)

But sadly, my ex-boss left shortly, and all-in-all dunno what happen but he sort of got into the right to be "manager" for a few of the smaller team, including mine... *sob sob*


If things must always comes in pair... WHERE IS MY OTHER HALF!!!!!


  1. He is out there. Just dunno when.

  2. Gosh... i realize i sounded desperate when i read back... =p

    but sometimes the meet-matching process is really tiring...

  3. Look for him at places that u didn't look b4

  4. Ichi... I dunno where else i should look... the choices are so limited, and yet shallow...
