My mom hardly called me directly. Most of the time she would ask my bro to text me to call home, since she doesnt know how to use idd cards. So when she actually does it, it means something is really urgent. Today, she called. Directly.
Immediately i called back cause such incidents always makes me worry something unpleasant might have happened. It turns out she wanted to give me a heads up on a potential call from my uncle, to ask for money.
My family is the least financially able among the other uncles or aunts. I wouldnt go to the extent of saying poor, but my dad has to leave the country for 10 years plus to clear off some debts and make ends meet. So all these years, we were taught and brought up without much luxury or over comfortable life. No holidays, no living in pricey hotels, hardly buying clothes thats not on discount, never bother looking at restaurants in shopping malls etc.. Even sometimes when dad send us some gifts such as handheld consoles, mom wud ask us to not use it in front of other cousins, cause she doesnt want others to think we are living a comfortable life, as they r still in some debts to them.
So, because of that, every now and then whenever I got good resulsts in the govrn exams, all my aunts and uncles wud give me some pockt money. Especially this particular uncle who is a bank manager, he is addicted to gambling, so whenever he is in luck and win like ten of thousands (which shows how heavily he is betting) he would giv us some pocket money, 50 to 100. and also gives my mom money, partly to help my family and also partly because my mom would always help to babysit his children since both the couple are working.
All the way until i made it to uni, i got my own scholarship, i start to refused taking money from them. Cause as i grew older, i understand they never really gave it sincerely, it was more like just one of the kids (probably the only one) who made it to newspaper now and then, so its a formality to give. And also, because they r "helping" my family, they always speak with zero respect for my parents, one uncle once said this,
"If u gave her money, xx sure will want.." xx refers to my mom, that was when they have a dispute over my grandma's asset when she passed away.
I swear to myself i will never ever respect this person again.
So ever since i started working, i never hide how much i am willing to splash on my brother or my mom. My ex once commented i change a lot, i didnt realize myself but i guess thats in a way making up for myself. That i can enjoy whatever i want and i earn every single thing by myself. The same for my brother, my mom, i felt like i want them to be able to enjoy life too, to spnd hundred bucks at restaurant once in a while, to be able to buy something you like. cause I earned this all by myself, and we have every right to live a better life like everyone else.
Though, i never quite see this coming. My uncle, who is a gambling addict, seems to have gone too far lately, geetting himself in debt despite the hundred thousands of penchant he has. So he came to my mom, asking her for RM 7k, he says those are the money he has given her all these years and wanted it back. He even told his wife that my mom "borrowed" from him and his wife came and ask my mom for it. When my mom told him thats ridiculous and how can she get that amount of money in such short notice, he questioned my mom like
"You can afford to go to Bangkok for holiday and you tell me you have no money?"
Like i said, how would i have foreseen, a holiay to take my mom out of the country for the first time in more than 10 years, and a holiday to bring my brother on flight for the first time in his life, could have been used as a reason to repay "debt"
He even threatened to call me up for the money if my mom refuse to give him the money. Which is why my mom panic and called me up first. Talk about loan shark. And he is her own blood related brother.
If my uncle calls, he wont get anything from me, simply because the way he put it. Though I told mom that if his wife too insist after she tells her the real story, i can pay it. But that shud be pretty much the last time we r talking to them. I am just concerned my mom has to deal with this alone.
A brother, a beggar, a robber, suddenly they seems related.
This was the first thing i heard in the day. Its probably one of the most sickening day in my life to start with. I actually feel like puking whenever i think of it.