Thursday, January 6, 2011

Having "Real" Expectation

I know I just wrote about this a while ago, but today, it just thought me again what is it like to have a real "real expectation", and should by all means eliminate the very very very mere hope of "luck" factor... Many times when I tell myself be real think realistically, but somewhere, I still keep hoping maybe there will be some lucky encounter that is like a miracle. However, we are living in a real world. We should really jsut stay within our means, stay within our own league...

Another tiring and fruitless day... and I sacrificed my sleep and gym again... *Big Sigh*


The more perfect they are, they more distant they shall be... Its only just REAL to be that way...


  1. This sound a bit pessimistic.....cheer up Kidz. Real world has miracle too...

  2. Cheer up. Take a break for a while if you're tired out. Plenty of surprised in life. ;)

  3. Sky... i dun think so leh.. i tried half a year le...

    will, like how? dun think they agent will call back and tell me he will giv it to me at 850 bucks leh... house-hunting is really depressing here.. makes u feel so poor.. and not any easier than lengzai-hunting..
