Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's a guy-and-guy world

Most of the time, after meeting up with someone, one of the thoughts that would form is go or no-go. Well of course first thing is you are into the other person. That's like the basic. Assuming that you are keen. Then next thing is like a kind of feeling that you get from how the other person response to you, whether he is showing the same interest or totally thought it was a crap date.

In my only relationship, or a few short more than dates friendship, it kinda gives me the impression that if someone is keen too, it will just happen. If it doesn't, most of the time nothing more will happen be it in the near or light-years away future.

But, in a straight relationship, there are occasions when a guy keep trying to court and impressed a girl and eventually wins their heart. I am not sure if it will never be the case for a gay relationship or I simply give up too easily when I feel the other person doesn't response too much.

Will it ever happen? Has it ever happen that someone you know who is so persistent and eventually won someone over with his sincerity and charm?

Afterall, we belong to a guy-and-guy world. There seems to be a little pride that tells us, if he is not keen, why make a fool or urself, we shud be equal... No?


Starbucks @ Richmond,

This is one of the very first pictures I took when I touch down in US that makes me feel i put on tonnes of weight ever since...


  1. Wooing? i have heard of such cases. But normally of older men going after younger boys.

  2. Yea, so it shudn't be something youngster shud do right? either it happen or u can sense its not gonna happen... Don't think winning over a heart is something that will ever happen..

  3. I think it has nothing to do with age when come to love...I have seen younger going after older...of course not the uncle or ah-pek type. In guy-guy situation, I believe it's due to pride, so the 'I-will-impress-and-chase-you-till-I-get-u' kinda thing rarely happen. But, love can't be equal, one will love the other more...for sure.
