Sunday, July 18, 2010

'Living' in a big city

The thing about big cities is theyr really convenient. I say 'Living' cause i was thinking bout the possibilities of living in a city like this but not having a room or house.. possible?

Something happen which makes me ponder on this possibilty.. I have been away from my room or house for more than 24 hours... let see how that happens.. I went out for dinner...then meet up with friends and went clubbing, then it was almost 3am, so i crash at their place. then next day i was suppose to go home shower then sing k with a friend.. but i overslept.. =s

So what happen was i decided to go to the place immediately.. then what about my shirt? okay i got a new T from zara sincee they r having sales.. (i got more than one but then they r having sales!!!) then i decided to go to my gym to use the shower facilities since it is just nearby.. so that solve my showring problem.. =p

After that i feel fresh and clean again.. then now is another nite out.. =p

Okay, i know it is too weak an example to proof the theory, but imagine i have 14 friends who wants to catch up every fortnight.. then i have gym storage and shower facilities.. abd company locker too.. and then laundry services.. putting it altogether, it doesnt sound that hard in a city like this doesn't it?


  1. Hahaha...weird but workable idea....

  2. Living out of gym locker rooms, a knapsack and bumming at people's place? What's the word for it.... :P

  3. Haha, sky actually it is pretty weird now that i am in a more concious mind state.. =p

    Will, what's the word? is it something like modern-city-living ? =p
