Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Night Shift - The Good, The Bad

The Good Thing:
- No crowd in transport to work
- Flexible dress code (basically t-shirt and jeans are the bottom limit)
- Cosy environment, it is quiet and peaceful
- No physical boss around (we only correspond to our US managers so in soem way, no one to walk around and see u, which also means as long as u get thigns done, other time is fully urs ^^ )
- More day time (though I am currently sleeping thru it all, but there is the flexibility, like sunday nite clubbing, sunday nite karaoke, sakae tea time buffet, dim sum tea time buffet, many other tea time buffet etc etc...)

The Bad Thing:
- No aircon for certain hours (but it is not that hot, just some hours not that comfy)
- Sleep habit needs to be adjusted (basically i wake and sleep and wake and sleep)
- Gym routine affected (still trying to work out a suitable timing after CNY)
- Feel fat (from the way i eat breakfast, sleep, then hungry for lunch then sleep then have to get dinner be4 work)
- Feel like bad for health (somehow my body has the kind of really tired feeling around 6am, maybe just the beginning)

All in all, it is a unique experience for the time being. Well, just enjoy it anyway, not likely to experience this in the future anyway.


  1. night shift is really not good for health... but since u have to work in that hour... u really have to eat more fruit and vitamins to remain your health
