Saturday, February 27, 2010

Simple Love

I haven't been a fan for movies, especially not Hong Kong movies in the recent years. The reason being they have been trying hard to make impressive scenes and really complicated story lines. It sometimes makes u think, so the message in the movie is? Dun be a drug smuggler? There are good gangsters? or okay, so those were how our ancestor battle, wow... that's it...

I have always been a fans of comedy movie, and I wanted to catch the 2 CNY film but didn't manage. But today, I chance to watch this movie, "Hot Summer Days". Apart from the fact that it has a lot of stars in it, I have to say the story was really interesting, and good. It has very good sense of humour while all the 5 stories are touching each by themselves. I am not a film critics, but I remember the last few movies that I watched, i actually slept thru some parts. This is the only one that I was able to concentrate from start to end. And again, it was great!

Simple love, one of the highlights was maggie cheung appearing in the movie, telling how simple love can be or SHUD be. There are puppy love story, but how they both have faith and turn into a really beautiful love story. 2 person who pretend to be who they are not, but end up still liking who they are in real. And the list goes on...


One of the actress, vivian xu... She reminds me of this song that I really love, 愛笑的眼睛... Seems like I have forgotten, I used to like to smile so much...


  1. u slept thru the movie few times eh. lolx. last nite u become thief isit? lolx

  2. No la... what makes u say that?
