Monday, June 28, 2010

100th Day

How many 100th days have u had with your love ones? I guess good times, 1, together 2, total about 3.. definitely wasn't fortunate enough to hit 4 but... well..

A very nice piano playing in this song. I am not particularly fan of this song, but somehow listening to the music, it is kinda soothing. I was thinking along the lyrics, saying that no matter how many 100th days has passed, the couple still feel the same love for each other. It makes you wonder sometimes, why are we keeping annivesaries? So that you can pull out some figures when you are tearing apart and say , we have been together for ... years, are you gonna give up?

Just recently, met a new friend, it was a good 7 year and still the end is the end. Kinda makes you think, which is more important, counting the days? or looking at today, this very moment and make sure you are still prepare to love the one beside you?

I remember 2 days before we ended it, was out anniversary. And I insisted on seeing each other. Looking back, I guess that was very much a last chance to ask the other, if you still love me, if you do, show me some sign and say that day is important to you... But, i guess it was just how it meant to be...


Count the days and be proud of it, but more importantly, what really counts, is the feeling at that very moment in your heart, u know it is countless..

May you all have countless 100th days, I really hope so...


  1. I love this song too...I hope I have endless 100th days...but..nothing is certain in this world..must try hard to achieve it..

  2. As Leonardo DiCaprio said in Titanic, ...Don't count the days, make the days count!


  3. When it ends, it ends, regardless of how many 100 days.

  4. Sky... Must!!! Must be strong!!! I am sure as long as you always have the heart it will... =)

    Evanns, that's a nice quote.. really nice.. I will always remember that.. =)

    Will, it is true when feeling fades, nothing else matters.. but the longer you have been together, it ought to develope a kind of relationship that is stronger, a habit, like for your family? doesn't it?
